My projects

Combination of work and hobby projects.
News app pic

News App

Apr 10, 2023
Read your recent news by our fast web app!.
GitHub repo

GitHub Repos

Mar 15, 2023
Web app for saving your favorite GitHub repositories.
Link shortener pic

Link Shortener system

Jan 2, 2023
Link shortener web app to shorten long ugly URLs!.
Image post 2

Privacy Preserving Auction based on Blockchain

Dec 1, 2022
Blockchain-based auction system that preserves privacy, as well as reducing the auction costs by 70%.
Care changer image

Care Changer

Apr 2, 2022
Incontinence detection web and mobile application, able to reduce caring time by 60%.
Wound infection detection pic

Wound Infection Detection App

Nov 15, 2020
Android/iOS mobile apps to detect wound infection with the accuracy of 93-95%.
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